When shooting fashion photography always have a giraffe in the photo. They improve every scene because they are to cool for school. Oh, and the only time it’s not cool is if you kill it and pose with it as a trophy, then you are just a douchebag.

Model Cecilia Kallin, www.timoteij.se
Dress from Emma O Clothing, www.emmaoclothing.se
Jewelry from Cooee Design, www.cooee.se
Tattoos from Posh Tattoos, www.poshtattoos.se

Ps. Make sure your model can handle being covered in giraffe slime. Especially if she has giraffe candy in her hand to keep the animal’s attention.

#phototips, #fashion, #giraffe, #dress, #crochet, #jewelry, #tattoos, #kenya, #africa, #wanderlust, #anhede