How this works

  1. Use a computer when doing the selection, it will be easier. Trust me :)
  2. Click the (square icon) on each photo you want to select.
  3. Click [Submit] (above the images, to the right next to the ) and fill in your name and email.
  4. Your selection has been sent via email to both you and me. Thanks!

Keyboard shortcuts

The easiest way to navigate is to open an image by clicking it and then use your keyboard arrow left and right or up and down to switch images ←↑↓→. To select an image press the key [Ö] on a Scandinavian keyboard or the key [´] on an English keyboard.

Tips for your selection

If there are many photos to select from and many of them are similar, do the sorting in more than one step. In step one just click the photos you like and then in step two or three you can more easily compare the best ones.

What you should look at is if you like the composition, if it shows what is necessary and if you like the expression. Exposure, contrast, colors, crop, I will correct later so do not let those things affect your choice.

/Jesper Anhede, +46706665866,